Maintaining the qualification of installed equipment is a big challenge for nuclear power plants. We work closely with our customers and suppliers to tackle that challenge. Whether it’s working with a manufacturer to understand and evaluate design changes of parts used in plants today, helping a customer evaluate replacement options for installed qualified equipment, testing alternate replacements to ensure they will maintain the qualified design, and much more, Paragon has a track record of solving hard problems.
Qualification capabilities and experience include:
- Seismic qualification by test and analysis
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Mechanical/cyclic aging
- Thermal aging
- Radiation aging

Seismic Test Capabilities
Paragon has a reputation for accuracy and dependability in seismic testing and qualification for the nuclear industry. Our in-house test equipment is capable of providing seismic testing services for a long-list of equipment including but not limited to instrumentation and control equipment, valves, circuit breakers, and panels.
All seismic testing is performed in accordance with IEEE 344-1975/1987/2004, as endorsed by NRC Regulatory Guide 1.100, and other applicable standards, using one of our 3 seismic tables: single axis, bi-axial, and tri-axial.
Paragon performs seismic qualification both by test and analysis. Testing is primarily performed on our tri-axial shaker table. Analysis is primarily performed by hand calculation, and in special cases via finite element analysis.
Table Configuration
Paragon’s tri-axial table performs broadband, multi-frequency, random-motion seismic simulations. Our table is 52” in diameter and supports test specimens up to 2000 pounds, with acceleration up to 7G ZPA in each axis (dependent upon specimen weight). The tripod style table provides independent acceleration time histories in the X, Y, and Z Axes, as required by IEEE 344. This includes the ability to execute independent random motions in three perpendicular axes (one vertical and two horizontal) simultaneously (i.e. the motion in one axis is statistically independent of the motion in the other axes).
Data Acquisition
We utilize an extensive expandable data acquisition system capable of monitoring up to 51 additional data channels (with the capability to easily expand up to 71 channels). These channels are versatile in the sense that they can all monitor a wide variety of outputs (auxiliary accelerometer, DC signals, AC signals, chatter monitoring, etc.).
Control System
Seismic tests are controlled by VR9500 Controllers and the VibrationView software package from Vibration Research.
Seismic Test Results
The format and content provided in our seismic reports give Customers everything they need to evaluate a Paragon qualification against any potential installed location.