Eberline no longer provides support for the area radiation monitor (ARM/DAM), leaving utilities with no other apparent choice but to upgrade the system.

The Eberline area radiation monitor (ARM/DAM) is prevalent in the U.S. Nuclear fleet. Upgrades are a large capital expenditure for utilities. Most would rather maintain existing systems than go through the time and expense of upgrading the entire system.

Paragon worked with a major utility to complete reverse engineering of the major electronic components of the Eberline ARM/DAM system. The reverse engineering project resulted in a cost savings of $2 million.

Part Numbers

The part numbers below have been reverse engineered by Paragon and are available for manufacture. Click on each part number to link to the Paragon Catalog.

Part Number


10873000/ATC Serial I/O
10890-01/ATC Detector Board
10925-C01/ATC 8k RAM
10943-00/ATC Alarm II Board
10958-B20/ATC SA-11 Cable Assembly
10973/ATC A/D Converter
11010-A37/ATC Syringe Needle
13N1195-02/ATC SA-11 GM Clamp
13N1195-03/ATC SA-11 Cable Assembly
BCM-2/ATC Battery Charger
BCM-SRM/ATC Electronic Module
DA1-6HT-CC/ATC Detector Assembly, Radiation
IB-4A-HT-CC/ATC Box, Interface
NGD-1 / 13N119501/ATC NGD-1 Coaxial Cable Assembly
PSM-2/ATC Power Supply
PTIF / 11041/ATC PTIF Board
YP10889000/ATC CPU III Board
10889-01/ATC CPU III Board